Sunday, September 21, 2008

Don't Make An Ass Out Of Yourself This Halloween!

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Daring & Dangerous Memories

It is easy for me to get caught up in the day to day details of my life and especially my work and use this thing some call a "ministy" as a convenient excuse to loose track of all other important things in life unless they are blasted in my tunnel vision. Too often over the last four years I have taken that moment to reconnect with myself and my roots and have felt the pains of regret, having lost so many months of conscious development of family to my need to control and succeed in my finances and career....but it's for the kids or the guests that come to Cherokee Retreat Center right? Well I hope and pray that I am on a bit of a road of recovery. It is not easy to temper an addiction to work or worry or a myriad of other negativly charged obsessions, but I am making an intentional effort to change course and live more purposefully in my family both nuclear and extended, therefore here is the first real passage of what I would love to see develop into a family wide platform for our connection, growth, celebration and mourning. What do you say? Wanna play a daring and dangerous game with me? It'll be fun!
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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Howington Blog Anyone?

Thought I would start a howington family blog. You can reach it at
